Lausd Self Service

Lausd Self Service

Click on the button below to sign in lausd single sign on. Remember that as of february 23, 2012, all employees with direct deposit will no longer receive paper copies of their pay stubs. Access the employee self services website. Launch internet explorer to open a browser window. Press enter on your keyboard to access the welcome screen.

Click on the button below to sign in lausd single sign on. Remember that as of february 23, 2012, all employees with direct deposit will no longer receive paper copies of their pay stubs. Access the employee self services website. Launch internet explorer to open a browser window. Press enter on your keyboard to access the welcome screen.

Enter your full lausd email address and password to log in. How do i access the ess website? Log in using your single sign‐on lausd email and password (e. g. Msmith@lausd. k12. ca. us, mary. smith@lausd. net) what can i do on the ess website? With new ess you will be able to view paystub, time statement, w2’s, enrolled benefit plans and personnel Login portal for los angeles unified school district.

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